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  • XI Soil Use and Management Congress. Dec 1-3, 2021. Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Frene, JP; Faggioli, V; Gabbarini, L; Covelli, J; Reyna, D; Sobrero, P; Ferrari, A; and Wall LG. Intensive irrigated agriculture enhanced the interactions on the soil microbiome.

  • ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting. Nov 7-10, 2021. Salt Lake, USA. Frene, J.P.,Frazier, M., and Gardner, T.G. Effect of pine-biochar on soil microbial structure in sandy soil under peach-trees in southern US.

  • ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting. Nov 7-10, 2021. Salt Lake, USA. Gardner, T; Frene, JP; Lawson, S; and Cradford, T. Effects of tree species identity on soil microbial communities and soil chemical properties in forest plantation.

  • ISME Latin-American Congress. Jul 27-30. Bogota, Colombia (Virtual meeting). Frene, JP; Faggioli, V; Gabbarini, L; Sobrero, P; Covelli, J; Reyna, D; Ferrari, A; and Wall LG. Agriculture irrigation modified soil microbial communities and soil functions associated with enhancing C uptake of a semi-arid soil in Patagonia.


  • ISME Virtual Microbial Ecology Summit #UniteInDiversity. Gardner, T; Frene, JP; Lawson, S; and Leggett, Z. Evaluating soil microbial communities and nutrient cycling on Hardwood Plantation.

  • ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting. Nov 9-13. Virtual meeting. Gardner, T; Frene, JP; Lawson, S; Leggett, Z; and Cradford, T. Improving establishment practices of pure and mixed hardwood plantations by refining soil suitability indices for black walnut and evaluating soil microbial communities.

  • ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting. Nov 9-13. Virtual meeting. Frene, JP; Frazier, M; Liu, S; Parker, M; Clark, M; and Gardner, T. Early response of organic matter dynamics, biogeochemical cycles and soil microbial structure to pine-biochar in sandy soil under peach-trees in southern US.

  • ESA Annual Meeting. Virtual. August 3-6, 2020. Dick, D., Leggett, Z.,  Gardner, T.,  Heitman, J., Frene, JP., Sucre, EB. Forest floor manipulation effects on the relationship between aggregate stability and ectomycorrhizal fungi. 


  • Applied Ecology minor Symposium. December 6, 2019. Frazier M, Frene JP, Liu S, Parker M, Clark M, and Gardner T. Effects of biochar on soil enzyme activities associated with carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur mineralization.

  • SNCURCS – State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium. November 23, 2019. Frazier M, Frene JP, Liu S, Parker M, Clark M, and Gardner T. Effects of biochar on soil enzyme activities associated with carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur mineralization.

  • ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting. Nov 10-13, 2019. San Antonio, USA. Frene, JP; Covelli, J; Gabbarini, J; Robledo, B and, Wall LG.Soil microbial diversity influenced soil functional diversity across different crops and sites.

  • Vi Bonaeresese Workshop of soil microbiology for sustainable agriculture. April 25-26, 2019. Frene, JP; Montecchia,M; Chalco Vera, J; Acreche, M; Erazzú; LE; Bertini; E; and, Correa; O. Abundance and diversity of methanotrophic, methanogenic and denitrifying bacteria, and greenhouse gas production in sugarcane soils under Conventional and conservationist management.

  • XV Conference of Bacterial Genetics and ECOlogy (BAGECO 15), May 26–30, 2019. Lisbon, Portugal. Gabbarini*, LA; Figuerola*, E; Frene*, JP; Robledo, NB; Ibarbalz, F; Babin, D; Kleine, C; Smalla, K; Erijman, E; and, Wall, LG. Functional and microbial structure early dynamics in soil after a shift in tillagemanagement in a long-term field experiment.


  • XXVI Argentine Congress of Soil Science, May 15-18, 2018. Tucuman, Argentina. Figuerola, E; Frene, JP; and Wall, LG. Metagenomical analysis of soil with different intensification and diversification of the crop rotations. 


  • III Soil Conference of semi-arid environments. September7 and 8, 2017. Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Frene, JP; Gabbarini, J; Figuerola, E; Robledo, B; Erijman, L; Smalla, K; and Wall L. Dynamics of biochemistry and soil microbiology in soils of southwestern Buenos Aires with different management of tillage.

  • VII World Congress on Conservative Agriculture. August 1-4, 2017. Rosario, Argentina. Frene, JP; Gabbarini, L; and Wall, L. Structural and functional microbial community response to transition from no-till to conventional tillage, and vice versa, associated with soil aggregates fractions.

  • II Agriculture and Climate Change Conference. March 26–28, 2017. Sitges, Spain. Covelli, J; Gabbarini, L; Ferrari, A; Robledo, B; Frene, JP; Reyna, D; Dominguez, A; Ortiz, C; Rodriguez, P; Moreira M; Agosti B; Bedano J; and Wall LG. Intensification and diversification of crop rotation in no-till agriculture improve soil biochemical / biological and physical quality indexes in less than three years.


  • XVI International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME). August 21-26, 2016. Montreal, Canada. Babin, D; Ibarbalz, F; Figuerola, E; Dreesch-Rosendahl, H; Gabbarini, L; Frene, JP; Wall, LG; Erijman, L; Grosch, L; and Smalla, K. Effect of long-term farming strategies on soil microbial communities.


  • XXIII Congress of Aapresid. Rosario, August 5 to 7, 2015. Frene, JP; Gabbarini, L .; Wall, L. G. Physiological profiles of soil aggregates explain differences between managements (Poster)

  • XV Conference of Bacterial Genetics and ECOlogy (BAGECO 15). Milan, Italy. Frene, JP; Gabbarini, L.; Wall, L. G. Difierential physiological profiles at the soil particle size level explain the differences between no-till and conventional tillage Agricultural managements of the same soil.


  • XXIV Argentine Congress of Soil Science, II National Meeting on Organic Matter and Humic Substances. Bahia Blanca, May 5 to 9, 2014. Frene, JP; Gabbarini, L; Wall, L. G. "Physiological profile of the soil and discrimination of agricultural practices" (Poster).

  • III Congress of the Argentine Salinity Network (Chascomus, 23-25 ​​April 2014). Ferrari A.E., Minás A., Frene J.P. & Wall L.G. Interactions Prosopis-Rhizobium-salinity: Effects of salinity on Prosopis alba inoculated with selected rhizobia (Poster).


  • XIX Latin American Congress of Soil Science, XXIII Argentine Congress of Soil Science, Mar del Plata, April 16-20, 2012. Gabbarini, L; Frene, JP; Wall, L. G. Biochemical studies of soils with different agricultural management in direct sowing (Poster).


  • XI Conference of BActerial Genetics and ECOlogy (BAGECO 11), Corfu, Greece, May 29 to June 2, 2011. Ferrari, A; Figuerola, E; Gabbarini, L; Guerrero, L; Agaras, B; Reyna, D; Rosa, S; Frene, JP; Ravnskov, S; Valverde, C; Erijman, L; and Wall, L. A multifaceted study of microbial community structure and function in no-till agricultural soils under different managements in Argentina.

  • II National Congress of Biology and Soil Science. April18-20, 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina. Gabbarini, L; Frene, JP; and Wall, LG.Effect of crop management in No-Till on enzymatic activities on soil. 

Meetings presentations: CV

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